So todays blog is a personal blog. Although I did take the pictures featured, it’s not photography related. But I figured this recipe was delicious and I needed to share.
So lets begin with a glimpse into our life. Justin and I bought a house on 8 acres in March of this year. And with it we began our secret dream of being farmers… okay not really full time, up at dawn farmers, but we did want free-range chickens, and to enjoy some of the “simpler things” life has to offer.
We started with just 4 humble hens, gifted to us from a friend on facebook.
Below, our 5 yr. old daughter Esther holding our very first egg! {YAY FOR FREE RANGE EGGS} We were well on our way!
BUT THEN we got chicken addicted you could say, and before you knew it we were way past the 4 hens, we had collected over 50+ chickens! { We know it’s a bit extreme }
At first it wasn’t a big deal, they didn’t eat that much, and they weren’t all laying so we just let them roam our property and enjoyed their company and the few eggs they gifted us each day. NOW though, they’re picking up on their laying! It’s exciting to never worry about running out of eggs again.. really… if we could just have milk and butter we’d be set! BUT we’re finding ourselves a bit OVERWHELMED lately with our egg supply! So that got me thinking… how can I use all these eggs… I have 4 hungry kids… I need to figure this out. SO there I began my pinterest adventure! {Don’t worry Justin was working hard editing weddings while I was pinteresting.. so we were using our time well, that’s what I call team work!} ANYWAY I found this cool idea of making breakfast sandwhich eggs in a muffin tin, and since I’m a fan of easy I tried it! It worked awesome, so next thought! LETS TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL! Let’s FRITTATA in a muffin tin!! For those of you who haven’t tried Frittata, I’m sorry.. they’re delicious.. and you should try them! It’s basically a yummy baked egg dish, better then quiche because it has potatoes instead of crust! SO GOOD!
So here is step 1, you can either fresh grate potatoes to make your hashbrowns or do what I did and defrost some tater tots and call it good!
Grease the muffin tin well with butter or bacon grease whatever you have on hand 😉 LOL and smash the tater/hasbrowns into the bottom. I baked them for 10 minutes at 375 before adding anything else.. I really like my taters crispy and cooked.
After they’ve cooked they’ll look like this! Mmmmmm
THEN Mix 12 eggs salt & pepper, 1/4 cup milk, shredded cheese, and 1 cup spinach. {I use my kitchen aid mixer to really make sure this is mixed well!}
use a 1/4 cup measurer and pour the mixture into each muffin tin. P.S. I WAY over poured on accident more then once and had some overflow, so if you do it too, that’s ok 😉 It just means your awesome and your frittata will turn out that much better!
When your done top with a thin sliced tomato and put in the oven for 12-15 minutes at 375! They’ll puff up and get a little golden brown! Basically when they look edible take them out and eat them!
Here they are RIGHT out of the oven! They will deflate a little as they cool don’t worry too much about that they’re still yuuummmy! To make sure they don’t get stuck in the pan I like to use a butter knife to go around the edge while they’re still warm and scoop them out gently with a spoon. Below is a picture of the finished product! These are so good I highly DOUBT you’ll be able to eat just 1, but if you have a smaller family then us, you can deff. freeze these beautiful creations to enjoy another time!
Thanks for checking out the blog today! Hope you enjoyed your glimpse into the “Erickson” life! If you have any awesome Egg using recipes feel free to send them my way! And if your in the area and need free range eggs you know who to call!