I’m thrilled to share these images with you today. We just fell in love with this couple the moment we met them, and we’re so excited to capture their wedding later this year. Enjoy a glimpse into this fantastic love story!
Let's tell your story!
So excited to blog this beautiful wedding today! I’m pretty busy this week getting ready for the 2014 Bridal Show this coming Sunday January 19th at Simpson College. If your planning a wedding you should come and check it out! Today I’m going to let the pictures tell the story while I get back to...
Absolutely Angelic! Amazing job capturing this story!
Thank you 🙂
Hope everyone had an amazing christmas! We really enjoyed meeting all the new families this year, and capturing your story! Because of YOU we had an amazing and extremely busy year! THANK YOU for supporting Essence Photography. Justin and I are truly SO GRATEFUL! A few weeks back you may have noticed we got a...
Love the sled picture!!! I SO want to use that in our session. I will be calling to set up a date!!!!
I love this time of year, Pumpkin spice latte’s, fall leaves, beautiful families, and christmas cards! Really Autumn is one of my favorite season’s there’s just so much to love about this time of year! And EVERY year I try to put together the best packages to capture your family story! This year for the...
Worth every mile, and then some. 🙂 We can’t wait for you to capture Luke’s one year story!
So excited to share this very special story with everyone! First of all thank you SO Much for your patience, as you’ve probably noticed I haven’t blogged much this past month. I’ve been busy busy, and blogging just didn’t make it into my list of priorities. BUT Excited to start blogging back up with this...
Love love love love love x 1,000!!! Thank YOU!!! The pictures are amazing, you’re amazing, I feel so blessed!
Anna 🙂
Oh my gosh! Betsy, these are AMAZING!!! You have such a great talent to pull the beauty out of each person as you shoot. And what precious words about our darling Anna. Thank you!
Love, love, love these! Great work!
What a beautiful couple:)